Effective July 1st, 2024, we are relocating our Toms River office to the following location: 1400 Hooper Ave, 2nd Floor Toms River, NJ 08753



Victims of Abuse Do Not Need to Suffer Silently During This Quarantine

We know that this pandemic has caused fear in the greater world population. It has also caused the same sense of excitement in children who do not understand its breadth nor consequences, that feeling they get on a snow day, the idea of no school. But most importantly we understand how this pandemic is affecting those members of our community who suffer silently at the hands of their abuser, the same person who may now remain in the home for 24 hours during a voluntary or involuntary quarantine.

We want you to know the courts are NOT closed. Your access to help is still open, your access to the police is still open. You can still obtain a temporary restraining order to require your abuser to leave the home. You still have access to judges who will do their best to protect you, especially in this time of need.

If you are in an abusive situation and need help:

Neither organization requires an order of protection to assist you. Then call us to schedule a video or telephone conference to discuss your next options for a final resolution of the abuse you do not deserve.

Contact our attorneys at Zeigler Law Group, LLC at 732-361-4827. Our trusted team is available when you need guided legal counsel.

Contact Zeigler Law Group, LLC
Today To Get Started

The Family and Divorce Lawyers at Zeigler Law Group, LLC Provide Experienced Guidance and Support When You Need It Most

Sonya K, Zeigler, Esq. and her team have a well-earned reputation for committed and fierce legal representation. Our firm is here to provide you with the best possible guidance. Call Zeigler Law Group, LLC at 732-361-4827 or contact us online to schedule a consultation. Located in Toms River, Red Bank, Princeton, and Mount Laurel, New Jersey, we serve clients throughout Ocean County, Monmouth County, Mercer County, and Burlington County.

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